I am the Goldilocks of the duvet!

It is hot. Very hot!

Each day the mercury creeps higher; in the south of England it approaches 39 Celsius, and in France and Spain it is overtaking 40. We live in a northern county so we are not used to this; our average summer temperature is 20-22 degrees. The other day we went to our nearest shore just so we could sit by the sea and catch a breeze. The swans sat on the water and looked serene and cool, and so did we – for a while.

It is the nights that are a problem; there is an issue with duvets. My DH is always hot and even in winter sleeps  with covers thrown back and bare arms and chest showing, while I pull the duvet up so high so that only the tip of my nose shows. 

I have found no quilt that is just right – I have become Goldilocks-like in my search for the perfect duvet. I have cupboards full of polythene wrapped quilts of different sizes and different tog ratings that are guaranteed to offer comfort for every season of the year. In the spring I decided that a 4.5 tog cover would be right for summer but now that is too hot; I took it off and put a small blanket over our cotton sheet instead. The blanket was once a free gift from Boden – and Boden has not needed to seduce buyers with free gifts for many years so you can see how old it is –  but it was wool so that was too hot. The sheet alone was too cold. Like Goldilocks I needed one that was just right. 

I scrabbled under beds and in cupboards trying to find one with a lower tog rating but there was none. A friend looked online and discovered one that had a tog rating of 1, so this morning I went to Dunelm and bought it. Like Goldilocks I was very tempted to try it out there and then. The thought of bears did not deter me, but the thought of the shop manager did, so I brought it home and tonight I shall try it out. I hope it will not be too hot, or too cold, I hope it will be just right!